Articles with the sklearn tag

Jun 22 · Data Posts

Analyzing tf-idf results in scikit-learn

In a previous post I have shown how to create text-processing pipelines for machine learning in python using scikit-learn. The core of such pipelines in many cases is the vectorization of text using the tf-idf transformation. In this post I will show some ways of analysing and making sense of the result of a tf-idf. As an example I will use the same kaggle dataset, namely webpages provided and classified by StumbleUpon as either ephemeral (content that is short-lived) or evergreen (content that can be recommended long after its initial discovery).


As explained in the previous post, the tf-idf …

Jun 17 · Data Posts

Pipelines for text classification in scikit-learn

Scikit-learn’s pipelines provide a useful layer of abstraction for building complex estimators or classification models. Its purpose is to aggregate a number of data transformation steps, and a model operating on the result of these transformations, into a single object that can then be used in place of a simple estimator. This allows for the one-off definition of complex pipelines that can be re-used, for example, in cross-validation functions, grid-searches, learning curves and so on. I will illustrate their use, and some pitfalls, in the context of a kaggle text-classification challenge.

StumbleUpon Evergreen

The challenge

The goal in the StumbleUpon Evergreen …